This article was extracted from the talk given by :
Professor Dr. Nor Hayati
Othman, Dean, Clinical Science Research, USM
Venue: Clinical auditorium, University of Malaya
Date: 05/12/12
There are rich of nutrients contain in honey.
Sugar compound contained in honey are fructose, galatose, maltose and sucrose.
There are rich of protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. The vitamins
included in honey are thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, and vitamin C. 250gm
of honey provides 782 Kcal. Moreover, honey has high antioxidants. Clinical
trial had been conducted, with regular diet and1.2gm honey per kg given daily
for two weeks, and clinical outcomes were measured. There was 47% increased in
vitamin C and the number of myocytes had been increased.
Honey is a natural immune
booster; it stimulates cytokines production from myocytes and production of
antibodies. Cytokines are very important pro-inflammatory reactors in response
to infection. To confirm the anti-inflammatory action of honey, infant with
diaper dermatitis were tested to apply honey topically. The result showed that
honey was effective in treating diaper dermatitis. Another study was conducted
among children with upper respiratory tract infection with symptoms of cough
and cold. Honey significantly reduce cough. It was also found out that honey is
effective in treatment of dermatitis and psoriasis vulgaris. Other study found
that local application of honey on the wound significantly reduced wound
Honey has natural
anti-microbial action. This action is stronger in acidic media. It delays the
growth of organism, as well as kills the hardy bacteria such as pseudomonas. I
also have anti-viral properties. Honey can be used as a fixer for chronic
ulcer; it absorbs the exudates from wound. Honey is effective surgical wound,
MRSA infection and diabetic foot.
The effect of honey in
controlling obesity is still in need of research evidence. One study has shown
that honey caused mild reduction in body weight. Honey is believed to be a
possible natural cancer vaccine; which is an area of research to be further
Honey has rich compositions
of amino acid and phenolic acid. The speaker has conducted a number of
researches investigating the effects of honey. She shared one of her research
that was anti-proliferative effect of Tualang honey on oral squamous cell
carcinoma and osteosarcoma cell lines. Honey increased the percentage of
apototic cell in all cancer cell lines, and it depolarized mitochondrial
membrane potential. It was found that honey reduced the proliferation of cancer
Animal study with mice was
conducted to examine the effect of Tualang honey on breast cancer. Mouses were
injected with carcinogens and given Tualang honey, divided into four groups.
Group 1 was given only distilled water, Group 2; low dose Tualang honey, Group
3; medium dose Tualang honey and Group 4; high dose Tualang honey was given
respectively. The result showed that smaller tumour size, lower tumour weigh
and volume was observed in honey groups.
As evidence from clinical
trials it is confirmed that honey reduce the risk of cancer, it has
anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial actions. The role of honey in controlling
obesity has to be investigated further.
Implication for clinical practice (renal)
Honey in clinical practice
had been adapted many years ago, and various studies had been confirmed that
honey has lots of benefits as mentioned. Clinicians and nurses should promote
use of honey in wound care, and prevention of infection. This is cost
effective, and it is likely to minimize length of hospital stay and hospital
admissions. Continuous analysis and evaluation on the effectiveness and
efficiency of using honey, is an important actions for nurses and clinicians.
In patient with impaired
renal function, changes in immune response increases risk of infection and
incidence of neoplasm. In Taiwanese study, patients with ESRD have higher risk
to develop urinary tract, liver and breast cancer (Liang et al., 2011). Use of honey will be helpful for renal patients to increase
immunity against infection and neoplasm.
The speaker discussed in
Q&A session that honey reduces the risk of osteoporosis. This is evidence
from researches and her personal experience of using honey together with egg.
Currently she is menopausal women but her bone age is only 27 years old. She
doesn’t have any risk for osteoporosis that may due to her consumption of
In patients with chronic
kidney diseases, renal osteodystrophy (osteoporosis and osteomalacia) commonly
results in bone pain and fractures, which are associated with increased
mortality and impaired quality of life (Smith & Smelt, 2009). These patients can be suggested to use honey to reduce the
risk of osteoporosis and other mineral bone diseases.
Honey is believed to reduce weight and control obesity. But the
association with honey and body weight still needs to be confirmed by clinical
trial. Obesity is associated with the early onset of glomerulomegaly,
hemodynamic changes of a hyperfiltering kidney, and increased albuminuria,
which are potentially reversible with weight loss (Eknoyan, 2011).
Therefore, obese people are required to change lifestyles and put much effort
to reduce weight. Use of honey, in combination with other weight control
measures such as exercise and diet control, might be a solution. Does honey reduce body
weight in obesity is one of the research questions.
To integrate
evidence-based practice in clinical setting, APNs should take active role in
finding research questions, conducting intervention trials or searching
scientific evidences to answer the research questions, utilizing the evidence
in practice, and disseminating the information about the effectiveness of new
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